Sea Sapphire Turns Invisible
It’s very interesting to see how chameleons, aquatic life and other animals blend in or use defense mechanisms to escape predators. Take a look at this sea sapphire. Beautiful and awe-inspiring.
ocean, sea sapphire
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It’s very interesting to see how chameleons, aquatic life and other animals blend in or use defense mechanisms to escape predators. Take a look at this sea sapphire. Beautiful and awe-inspiring.
germany, homeless
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It’s too bad more people don’t do this. Really inspiring to watch.
australia, ocean cleanup, seabin
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This is another ocean cleanup project that is on a much smaller scale. Another project was featured here (see link) that was designed by a Dutch inventor. This version is based in Australia and uses suction to separate debris, fuel and garbage from the ocean’s water. Check it out!
field, sumo, track, wrestling
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Knowing that there was a slight chance you might be able to escape their grasp, would you really want to cross paths with them in a dark alley?
coffee, georgia max
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Here’s a great television commercial for a popular brand of coffee from Japan. We’d love to give this new sport a try!
guitar, lego
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We’re not sure where the Lego Revolution is going to take us, but the thought of fully-functioning musical lego instruments brings us much joy!
This guy just broke new ground in the surf community. Check out the air time he gets on this crazy wave during the Hurley Pro Am in California. Amazing!
So what do prairie dogs like to do for fun? Have a carrot party, of course!
There is definitely more to Iceland than Bjork, Sigur Ros and the thriving music scene. This small island has amazing landscape and architecture, as well as an active volcano. Some film students from Stuttgart, Germany were lucky enough to raise enough sponsorship money to visit there and shoot footage for their student film. The end result is breathtaking and a great stress reducer!
This has to be one of the luckiest dogs on the planet. 201 Empty plastic water bottles sure can go a long way in a dog’s lifespan. This dog’s master should receive a medal for coolest gift ever.
It might take the baby a few minutes to get going, but at least he can scale that wall. I’m a grown adult and can’t make it up to the top. Amazing video!
A public piano was recently installed in a park, somewhere in Sarasota, Florida. What happened next was fantastic, as a homeless man proceeded to play all of the classical parts to Styx / “Come Sail Away”
It’s bad enough being in a tornado. It’s quite another scenario being near a tornado for over 3 hours. This tornado touched down in somewhere in the province of Manitoba, Canada. Luckily no one was injured or died. Intense!
Baby Pygmy Hippo, Obi, is getting his first swim with his mom. Video provided by Melbourne Zoo.
Clark The Dog likes to show off. Check out his mastery of obedience, as he has treats balanced on top of his head!
Just watching this video makes us sleepy. Check out the pug on the far left!
This high school player in Japan busts out the martial arts moves on his bat. This video really gets fired up around the 1:00 mark. Enjoy!
Enjoy this Bob Ross Remix masterpiece. One of the painting pioneers of PBS, an entire generation learned how to paint the Bob Ross way.
Dogs never listen to us, but they sure can carry a conversation with a baby!
We never knew that porcupines were so into corn on the cob. This video almost makes us want to have one as a pet!